Bringing clarity,
connection, and
meaningful results.







Feedback from some of Coach Tess's Clients


K. Wright, Banker and Real Estate Agent
There aren’t enough words to commend Tess for the work she does. Before coaching with Tess, I literally felt trapped in my own skin to the point I was sure to implode at any moment. Unhappy with my job, education, home, and unsure of my choices for the future, I needed to try something -- anything -- to free myself from that trapped feeling. I took a leap of faith, and contacted the person who would positively impact my life more than I ever hoped for. 
Tess has a special gift for intuitively seeing and hearing in others what they themselves cannot. I don’t know how she does it, but Tess can immediately hone in on inflections, breathing patterns, and minute details of a conversation to reveal hidden issues to explore and resolve.  She is not forceful or aggressive in her guidance – with her help, I became accountable only to myself. 
By utilizing an array of skills taught to me by Tess, I overcame hindrances that have affected me for most of my life. With her help, I discovered my true strengths and desires. Tess ignited a passion within me that had been missing for many years. I still use Tess’s tools to this day and can thankfully say that I feel great in my own skin once again.

Carol McCorkle, Writer
Before I worked with Coach Tess, I was a ball of stress. My world was controlling me, rather than the other way around. Working with Coach Tess is inspirational. She helped me tap into my inner power. The tools she gave me keep me focused and present. Coach Tess was able to help me focus my energy on the things I can change and gave me tools to change them. I am able to concentrate on the things that are within my power and believe in my ability to shape my life. It was a joy to work with her.
CH, Regional Service Manager
I have two young children (under four), and both my husband and I work outside of the home. There are many demands on me, and providing for my family, financially and emotionally/spiritually is one of my top priorities. I realized that I was no longer fulfilled in my job but wasn't sure what to do next. A friend suggested coaching to help me find the right career path and pointed me in Tess' direction. I wasn't sure what to do next in my career. I wanted to be sure to fully explore what I needed in a new job and not to leap into something new for the sake of leaping. What I didn't realize at first was that in my journey from fully employed wife to fully employed wife with two children, I'd lost myself.
Tess gave me some fantastic tools and techniques to reconnect with myself. I was lost in the trees trying to find my way. It felt as if I had handed over the "steering wheel" of my life to outside forces and didn't know how to get it back. I lost Me. Tess helped me realize that attitudes or behaviors I held were there because they served me in the past. We worked together to find out which of these values were no longer serving me. The whole process has helped me clear some of the mental/emotional clutter to make space for the next step in my journey. I did find a new job. I'm not sure if I would've been open to this specific opportunity had I not been working with Tess. I have also experienced some further benefits: I have more patience with myself and others. I am better able to relate to my husband, my friends and my children. I am finding time and space for myself in my hectic life.
I reached out to Tess to help find my next job. I found something even better. I found ME. And it's wonderful!

Holli McMann, Chief Financial Officer, MBA
I began working with Tess at a point in my life at which I knew I was ready for some changes, particularly in my job, but I was not succeeding at implementing them. Tess helped me to identify exactly what I was looking for and to obtain it. She was particularly good at helping me achieve focus, sorting out my conflicting ideas and confusion through insightful questions and objective observations.

Once I recognized what I wanted, she helped me plan my steps and stick with my plan. During the negotiation phase of my interviewing, her input helped increase my confidence and allow me to ask for (and get) a financial package which was more than I ever would have thought possible. She helped me see my value in the marketplace both through her own business insights and by coaching me to seek out information on my own. I am now in a much more rewarding and challenging environment and well on my way to achieving my financial goals as well. I couldn't be happier!

Claire Franck, Lay Healer and Massage Therapist
Tess Horan is a brilliant coach. Tess has helped me to move out of the constructs of my mind to what I am feeling in my heart. In this process, Tess has helped me to identify the roots of the issue I was struggling with, to have an understanding of how my mind was leading me on a "cat chasing its tail" journey, to open to a different perspective from my heart and, with many other tools in her medicine pouch, provide a firm foundation to support healing my issues. I'm so thankful to have Tess to support me when my mind gets in control and I lose track of listening to my heart.

C.B., Recovering Corporate Professional turned Healing Artist and Musician
Tess is simply one of those super professional, insightful, diligent, thorough, and honest coaches. She constantly holds your feet to the fire and asks all the right questions, uses all the tools at her disposal to help you make your own decisions. That's what a good coach does. They challenge you to sharpen your thinking and decision making skills so you are empowered in your life. Tess brings a wealth of experience to her work, and she is one of those practitioners that are commonly referred to as 'integrated', meaning they are passionate about living what they teach and using themselves as the road test for whatever module they are utilizing in their practice. I highly recommend having Tess on your life team. Being coached by her is just incredible training on your journey of creating a life you LOVE.

Maxima Kahn
Tess worked with me on "intuitive time management." Her approach was gentle and very helpful, focusing on a spiritual and holistic perspective that I really resonate with. She listened deeply and offered wise guidance to help me find a more fluid and trusting approach to listen to my own inner guidance in each day and bring more balance into my life. She also helped me work with some of the deeper issues that were blocking me. She is a skillful, kind and heartfelt coach.

Rachael Shea, Bibliographic Instruction Librarian
Tess's clarity and precision helped me identify and articulate the areas where I wanted her guidance. Once we began the work I found that she was able to help to change habits of long-standing. She encouraged and assisted me through my blind spots. I know that I have changed for the better as the result of her work. Sometimes I need to consciously remember her advice; some of what she taught me is now natural for me.

Vanessa Sandarusi, MBA, OTR/L
I started working with Tess at a time when I had went through many changes in my life from finishing graduate school to being laid off from two separate jobs within a year. Needless to say, I was so lacking in self-confidence as a person and manager that I wasn't sure how I would do working in a new position that I was to start in a few months.

After a few months of working with Tess, I have grown personally, and that has allowed me to be open to new opportunities in my life. My self-confidence improved tremendously by learning that I needed to work at Being versus Doing. Tess has also helped me see how self-care is an intricate part of my personal success by reminding me of what keeps me centered (e.g. journal writing and exercising). She gently challenges me to move me forward and is open to recommendations to enhance our coaching relationship.

I am fortunate that I continue to work with Tess, because now I face my new position at work with confidence and a new perspective. I can work in a setting that nurtures and reflects my values while giving me energy versus draining my energy. I also learned that I can come from a place of choice more when I allow myself the time to be me. What a true gift Tess has given me!

K.M. Plant Spirit Medicine Healer and Musician
I began working with Tess to build and develop my holistic healing practice. Tess helped me clarify my offerings and build confidence in what I offer, all the while guiding me to find my own solutions and listen for my inner wisdom. Some of the most valuable aspects of her coaching were that she taught me to identify areas of resistance and find more constructive ways to work with habitual negative assessments. I would highly recommend Tess to anyone desiring to live a more fulfilling, vibrant and engaged life.

Betsy McNair, Manager, Data Analytics
I participated in one of Tess's 5-part group coaching series. New to coaching, I found these sessions led by Tess to be extremely well-organized, focused and informative. Tess's approach to coaching utilizes tools that help us see how we are constructing our own reality, separating fiction from fact, ultimately helping us come into better alignment with ourselves and those around us. Tess also showed us ways to communicate to others when there is conflict in such a way that brings about understanding and resolution while minimizing defensiveness. As a coach, Tess strikes a balance between professionalism and compassion. Tess shows us how we can remove obstacles, promote healing and ultimately accomplish our goals in the best way possible.


© Tess Horan, 2018. All rights reserved.